My name is Ben Blankenship and I live in the Kansas City area. I have three dogs, a wife, a daughter and a son on the way. I played my first round of Disc Golf around 2015 with my father and a cousin of mine. We played a couple times but ultimately got busy and started other things. It wasn't until 2020, during COVID, that I started playing regularly. With COVID being so new at the time, we weren't really sure what we could and couldn't do safely. The science pointed to outside activities having a low transmission rate of COVID. I was invited by a few friends to go and I have been hooked ever since. This game has been so much fun to be able to play with friends and be able to semi-compete against each other. It's given me the opportunity to get out in nature, get some excercise and have some fun. I have taken each of my dogs with me, but two of them enjoy being there more than the other. Disc Golf is a very easy sport to get into and a relatively cheap hobby to start.